Some regulations are explicit. Others are imprecise. One, for example, prohibits blurring the lines between "truth and falsity, good and evil, beauty and ugliness."
International law governing war or self-defense allows countries to knowingly kill some civilians as an incidental consequence of attacking a legitimate military target, so long as the bystander deaths are deemed necessary and proportionate.
The more Muslims, Jews, and Christians entered into dialogue with one another, the more each religion came to recognize areas of incompatibility with the others.
Marc Augé : "Pour penser l'avenir comme possible, il y a un modèle, la pensée scientifique, qui promeut l'hypothèse comme méthode, et deux principes : penser selon les fins et comprendre que l'homme, dans sa triple dimension, individuelle, culturelle et générique, est la seule priorité."